Pallotti School follows ‘Samacheer Kalvi’ (சமச்சீர் கல்வி) or Tamil Nadu Uniform System of School Education or Equitable Education System.
The medium of instruction is Tamil. English is taught as a foreign Language. Great effort is being made to make the children to write and speak correct English. The German and Swiss Volunteers are a great help in this area.
The School consists of Kindergarten and Higher Secondary school (From 1st to 12th grade). The kindergarten section has 89 Children and Higher Secondary School has 483 students. The total strength of the school is: 572.
The Higher Secondary Students have the option of choosing one of the following streams:
Group I: Tamil, English, Maths, Physics, Chemistry and Computer Science
Group II: Tamil, English, Maths, Physics, Chemistry and Biology
Group III: Tamil, English, History, Economics, Commerce and Accountancy
The School targets the holistic development of students. Besides academic subjects they are taught yoga, music, karate, dance, etc. Considering their poverty-ridden social background the school provides them with seminars and courses to boost their self-confidence and self-image.
School Statistics
Higher Secondary Students - 483
Kindergarten students- 89
Teaching Staff - 34
Office Staff - 03
House Keeping Staff - 10
Meet Our Teachers

Ms. G. Kamatchi M,Sc., M.A., M.Ed., Principal

Ms.Y.Mary Steppin M.Sc.,B.Ed.,
Vice Principal
Administrative Personnel

Ms. A. Puvaneshwari M.Com., PGDCA , Ms. M. Nithya B.Com., Ms. M. Banupriya B.Com., B.L.I.Sc., Clerical Staff Clerical Staff Librarian