Teachers Day Celebration
On 05 September 2024, our school children honoured the teachers with various cultural programs. Each teacher was given a handwritten note by children appreciating and thanking them for their service.
Educational Development Day (Kalvi Valarchi Naal) and Social Science Association Day
Kalvi Valarchi Naal and Social Science Association were celebrated on 15 July 2024 in our school.
Commemorating the 122nd birth anniversary of Kamarajar, several competitions were held at Jayaraj Nadar Higher Secondary School, Nagamalai. Our school students participated in them and won several prizes – Kabilan from 6th class won third prize in elocution, J. Jenifer, 10th class won third prize in essay competition, and a team consisting of R.Suhana, S. Linuja Sri, N. Karnika, K.Yogaselvi, R.Velunachiyar and J. Nisha won 3rd prize in group dance competition.
Annual Sports Day
The annual sports day celebration was held in our school campus on 14 August 2024. Fr. Emmanuel Savariaradimai SAC, founder of the school, inaugurated it by hoisting the school flag. Fr. Antony XavierViyagappan SAC was the chief guest and guests of honour were Fr. Nickson and Fr. Soundar. The school children were divided into several houses and they held an impressive march past followed by key competitions. There were also competitions offered to the parents.
Students Parliament
Intending to give a sense of ownership and a feeling of responsibility to children the school promotes children’s parliament. Guided by a teacher-animator, each group takes up various responsibilities such as orderly distribution of mid-day meal, careful use of water, electricity, maintenance of good environment and cleanliness.
V. Arun - XI and R. Selva Lakshmi – IX are elected as School Pupils Leader and Assistant School Pupils Leader respectively.
Progressive Writers Association
The Progressive Writers Association, a reputed intellectual body, conducted several competitions for school students on 11 August 2024. Our students participated in them and won several prizes. The details are given below:
K. N. Kabilan -VI won 2nd prize in recitation; V. Thirumurugan and R. Selvalakshmi won 1st and 2nd prizes respectively in elocution from the category of IX-X; V.Arun and K. Archana won 1st and 2nd prizes respectively in the XI-XII category; J. Jenifer-X won 1st prize in essay competition from IX-X category; C. Ajisanthiga -XI and B. Dhanalakshmi -XI won 1st and 3rd prize respectively
Zonal Level Games and Sports
The Education Department conducted Zonal level games and sports competitions. Our children won numerous prizes.
In Running the following students won prizes:
D. Shalini – X std (under 17) – 800-meter– 2nd prize; .B. Sarshika Sri – IX (under 19) – 800 meter – 1st prize; K. Bavani – XII-C (under 19) – 800 meter – 3rd prize; B. Johnson – XII – C (under 19) - 800 meter – 3rd prize; J. Nisha – VIII (under 14) – 200 meter– 2nd prize; S.Yuvasri -IX (under 14) – 200 meter– 1st prize; S.Yuvasri -IX (under 14) – 400 meter– 1st prize; J. Jenifer – X (under 17) - 100 meter- 1st prize
In Relay the following students won prizes:
Under 17 Girls category (4x100 m relay) 3rd prize was won by four of our students from class X - - D. Shalini, J.Jenifer, S. Dharshini and P. Subhashini. Under 19 Girls category (4x400 m. Relay) 3rd prize was won by four of our students D. Gayathri – XII , K. Bhavani – XII, S. Sivapriya – X and B. Sarshika Sri – IX.
In the Triple Jump S. Siva Priya – X (under 19) won 2nd prize and B. Sarshika Sri – IX – (Under 14) won 3rd prize. In Shot put S.Vijayalakshmi -IX – Under 14 category won 3rd prize. In Javelin Throw D. Gayathri – XII – Under 19 category won 1st prize. In Discus Throw Dharmaraja – IX – Under 14 won 2nd prize. In Kho-Kho Girls super senior (under 19) won the 1st Prize and Girls Junior team (under 14) won 2nd prize. Overall championship was won by S. Yuvasri – IX.
Bharat Ratna Rajiv Gandhi Award
Our toppers from the 10th and 11th public examination were honoured with Bharat Ratna Rajiv Gandhi Award by Mr. Manickam Tagore M.P. The awardees - V. Arun, K. Yadesh, M. Kanishkar (10th standard) and V. Meenakshi, B. Dhanalakshmi , K. Archana (11th standard) were honoured on 20.08.2024 at Pasumalai Gopalsami Thirumana Mandapam.
Maths Seminar
Hispeed mathematics seminar was conducted for the students of 6th to 12th standard on 18 July 2024 by READ Trust, Chennai.
Safety Measurement awareness by Hari Indane Gas Agency on 19.08.2024
Hari Indane Gas agency displayed to students on the correct use of domestic gas cylinders to 9th to 12th standard students.
Education Minister Honours Pallotti School
The Private Schools which achieved centum results in the public examinations held for 10th and 12th standard for the academic year 2023-2024 were honoured by the educational minister Mr. Anbil Mahesh and sports minister Mr. Udayanidhi Stalin on 04 August 2024 at Nehru Stadium, Chennai. Ms. Kamatchi, the principal, received the shield on behalf of our school.
Public Examination Results
The results of the public examination held for the 10th,11th and 12th grades have been published by the Education Department of Tamil Nadu. All our students passed, some with high marks. In the 10th grade V.Arun achieved the best result obtaining 494 marks (out of 500); in the 11th R. Meenakshi with 524 marks (out of 600) and in the 12th grade S. Ajay with 508 marks (out of 600).
Pallotti School Reopens
The new academic year (2024-2025) began for Pallotti School on 10th June 2024 with a prayer meeting. After lighting the traditional lamp, the children prayed for divine blessings.